
January 2017 Newsletter | It's Time for FAFSA & CSS Profile

January 2017 Newsletter: Financial Aid Crunch Time, WUE Scholarships & More

January 2017 Newsletter Time for FAFSA & CSS Profile! Happy New Year! If you have a High School senior, and you have not yet submitted the FAFSA and CSS Profile to all their colleges, do it now! Most private college deadlines are before February 15th and this year, some were as early as January 1st….

Western Undergraduate Exchange - Map of States

Shrink West Coast College Tuition with the Western Undergraduate Exchange

It’s easy to adore the west coast, and colleges are a fundamental reason why students hold this section of the US so dearly to their hearts.  If you’re thinking “I’m going to a college on the western coast” with absolute certainty, you need to fund this endeavor.  How? One of the best places to start…