May 2016 Newsletter: Here’s to the Class of 2020 … What’s Next?
Happy May! May 1st was the deadline for seniors for most college decisions. Congratulations to all those students who’ve made their choice! Your next step is to build your college funding plan. For many families, that will include some loans. This month’s Featured Find is an interesting perspective about ways to give colleges accountability for student loans awarded to their…
It’s Time… Get the Facts on the FAFSA – Webinar (Jan. 14th @ 7pm)
Did you know up to 70% of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) applications are either incomplete or have errors? This causes delays in processing, or worse, denial of aid that should be approved? Completing the FAFSA correctly can help you significantly lower the rising cost of college. But if completed incorrectly, it…