

Debit Card - Board Game

Knowing the Rules of the Debit Card Game

Seniors: How do you manage your cash? Carrying it around in your wallet is the easiest, but not the wisest nor safest option. One little plastic card (soon enough, using only your phone and fingerprint) can solve the problem. Time to sign up for your very own debit account. With the wide variety of options…

May 2016 Newsletter: Here’s to the Class of 2020 … What’s Next?

Happy May! May 1st was the deadline for seniors for most college decisions.  Congratulations to all those students who’ve made their choice! Your next step is to build your college funding plan. For many families, that will include some loans. This month’s Featured Find is an interesting perspective about ways to give colleges accountability for student loans awarded to their…

Summer 2015 Programs & Internships

Future Investing with Summer Programs and Internships

Seniors: With summer approaching, you and other high school students may first bask in the glow of three months away from essays and assigned projects.  Once that feeling subsides—particularly for all of you wonderfully ambitious students—you’ll wonder if any options exist to keep your mind stimulated, prepare yourself for their future careers, or possibly explore…

Thought Bubble

5 Thoughts to Confidently Shape Your Senior Year

Soon-to-be Seniors: While you rightfully have college on the brain, don’t unknowingly dismiss the last year of your high school career. Visualize yourself stepping onto campus as an official senior.  Keep these thoughts in mind as you traverse classes, time alongside your friends and all the wonderful life experiences you’re about to embrace: Teachers love…