

May 2016 Newsletter: Here’s to the Class of 2020 … What’s Next?

Happy May! May 1st was the deadline for seniors for most college decisions.  Congratulations to all those students who’ve made their choice! Your next step is to build your college funding plan. For many families, that will include some loans. This month’s Featured Find is an interesting perspective about ways to give colleges accountability for student loans awarded to their…

Cupcake - Money Saving Tips

Be the “Starving Student” No More: 5 Money-Saving Tips

With the massive expenses tied to college attendance, it’s no wonder the “starving student” stereotype remains prevalent.  For any student, stashing away an extra $20 per week or even cutting down needed expenses dime for dime is a crucial factor in surviving today’s high-cost environment. Use these tips to help ease the financial pressure from…

Retirement Graphic

Retirement or College Savings?

If a friend casually asked you during a conversation whether you believe saving for college or retirement is at the top of your list, what would you say?  Surprisingly, many harmonize together to a similar tune: retirement. Why, you may wonder? According to the Wall Street Journal, it’s a simple answer: strategies for retirement plans…

Piggy Bank

Where Should I be Saving for College?

Whether you have dreams of sending your newborn child to Harvard, UC Berkeley or San Diego State, you have a lot of savings ahead of you if you plan to foot part of the bill. You need to come up with a savings plan EARLY – and stick with it for many, many years. Various…