

Image of 529 college savings plan paper with some money.

What Is A 529 Plan And What You Need To Know About It

With the costs of a higher education continuing to rise, one college financial planning strategy many families use to invest in is a 529 plan. Authorized by Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, 529 plans are legally known as “qualified tuition plans,” and are “sponsored by states, state agencies or educational institutions.” 529 plans…

Sad looking graduate student reviewing debt.

Student Loans Got You Down? Take Control Now!

The entire team at Westface College Planning wishes you a fortuitous New Year! Along with setting resolutions, now is the perfect time to tackle college planning goals to ensure you and your student are financially fit for this important life stage. If you have any questions about the best strategies for 2020, give us a call!…

Retirement Graphic

Retirement or College Savings?

If a friend casually asked you during a conversation whether you believe saving for college or retirement is at the top of your list, what would you say?  Surprisingly, many harmonize together to a similar tune: retirement. Why, you may wonder? According to the Wall Street Journal, it’s a simple answer: strategies for retirement plans…