

5 Questions Parents Most Often Ask About Their 529 Plans

529 plans are one of the go-to college savings options for parents. They are heavily marketed, tax-advantaged, let you make high annual contributions, and don’t have income or age restrictions. Many families have some money in 529 plans (which they plan to use for college). If you’re one of those families who have some college…

Master Your Financial Aid Appeal in 5 Easy Steps

It’s about that time of year—when your senior is mid-way through their term—that financial aid packages come flooding into your mailbox. Seeing the raw numbers may cause a bit of panic. You remember hearing something about appealing financial aid, but where do you start? It’s a pretty straightforward process, and worth trying. Financial aid packages…

Why Student Loans are Good

Merit-Based Aid, Dare 2B Digital Conference, & Workshops! Can you believe it’s already February?! Many colleges’ financial aid deadlines are earlier than previous years! If you have a High School senior, and you have not yet submitted the FAFSA and CSS Profile to all their colleges, do it TODAY! As we work with families to…

New Tax Impact

Managing Student Loans Happy New Year! If you have a High School senior, and you have not yet submitted the FAFSA and CSS Profile to all their preferred colleges, do it now! Some private college financial aid deadlines have passed and every public and private college deadline is before March 1, 2018. Many people are…

Are Private Colleges Worth It?

Private Colleges & the Sibling Factor Are private colleges worth the hefty cost? It’s September and Back to School Time for Everyone! As a parent of a college bound student, the decision whether to pay more for one college education versus another is daunting. This month’s Featured Find discusses results from last year’s CAPSEE report which challenges the assumption…

Generation Z – Money & College

July 2017 Newsletter Generation Z – Money & College Yeah! It’s finally summer. I hope you enjoyed time with family and friends over the 4th. But summer isn’t just time to vacation. Rising seniors, you are now a mere month away from college application time and 3 months away from financial aid application time. The…