

Community College: Why You Should Consider Going to One First

High school graduation is almost 8 months away but its already time to think about what you’re next educational step should be. While researching all your college options you should keep community college high on your list. With the cost of higher education rising to exorbitant levels in the past few years, community college can…

College Planning for High School Juniors

School is back in session and that means for many high school juniors, the thought of college isn’t far behind. So what can you do to get ready for the collegiate grind? Here are a few tips to get you on the right track and plan for college as a high school junior. Game Plan…

Finding the Best College for You

Some of the best colleges are like a classic Ferrari roadster. A college education at an Ivy League school, much like having a Ferrari, will never go out of style, it has a great reputation, and although it might be expensive, it seems worth every penny. But is it the best college for you? What…

Prepare your Child for College Finances Now

Your child has navigated high school, taken the SATs, chosen a college and is looking forward to the newfound independence that college life offers. For most young people, college marks their first experience living on their own, with all the freedom and responsibility that comes along with it. As a parent, you know that they’ll…