college student
Should You Appeal Your College Financial Aid Award?
You have received financial aid award letters from your colleges, but the award from your first-choice college is less than you had hoped. What can you do? Should you appeal for additional assistance? Maybe your award does not reflect your current financial situation, or a recent scholastic achievement, or perhaps you have a more generous…
The Best Financial Tips For New College Students
Your student has successfully navigated high school, toured campuses, applied to and been accepted into college. All summer, they’ve dreamt of the momentous day when their new life away from home begins, as well as all the freedom and responsibility that comes along with it. As a parent, you know they’ll learn much more than…
5 Practical Money Skills for College Students
Practical money skills are essential to creating lifelong good money habits. For students, developing proper financial habits right from the start puts them on a positive path to becoming financially independent. To help your student, take time to help them navigate financial waters before they are on their own; they’ll be more likely to avoid…