Macalester In The Fall

FAFSA Changes & 5 Reasons Why You Should Always Apply for Financial Aid

Hi Friend,

Fall is here and with it comes the financial aid application season! For parents of high school seniors and college students this signifies it’s time to get your finances all lined up and file for financial aid. At Westface College Planning we are here to help! We offer services to submit the FAFSA and CSS Profile on your behalf.

The implementation of the FAFSA Simplification Act, will overhaul the federal student aid program in a phased approach. PayForEd breaks down the details about what to expect from these FAFSA changes.

Wondering if you should take the time to complete the financial aid forms? Some people think that filling out financial aid forms isn’t worth the trouble, and especially if they think they make too much money, but there are plenty of good reasons why everyone should be filling out the FAFSA and CSS Profile. Check out the five main reasons why you should always apply for financial aid in this month’s blog.

We have a new “How To Survive Paying For College” on-demand webinar which includes information about the upcoming changes to the FAFSA. Sign up to watch our webinar to learn more about financial aid, college funding options, and the steps you can take to lower the cost of college.

We want to help you with creating your family’s college funding plan, well before you start completing the financial aid forms. Sign up for a complimentary college funding consultation today. I look forward to talking with you soon!

– Trixie

Let’s Talk!

FAFSA Simplification

FAFSA Simplification is continuing and will have a significant impact on this year’s college-bound seniors.  In addition, for current college students that will be in college for school year 2024-25 and beyond, these changes may affect your current financial aid packages.  Learn what you need to know for proper college funding and student loan planning.

FAFSA is the abbreviation for Free Application for Federal Student Aid.  It is the cornerstone process for need-based financial aid.  For years, financial aid professionals, parents, and students have been complaining about how complex the FAFSA process is.  The implementation of FAFSA Simplification is planned to be completed by the 2024-25 school year, with the goal of improving the process.  It was approved as part of the Consolidation Appropriation Act of 2021.  Families will need to be aware of these changes, especially for the outer years of their college cost decisions.

5 Reasons Why You Should Always Apply for Financial Aid


Many people think they make too much money to consider even applying for financial aid. It is a common misconception. This misconception is one I come across often with clients, as they think if they have a higher income, have saved up money for retirement and college, or they happen to own a home or two that they should automatically rule out the hassle of applying for financial aid. 

Although most of my clients who seek help with creating their college funding plans won’t qualify for need-based financial aid, I still recommend that they, along with my family, friends, and colleagues always apply for financial aid. Here are the five main reasons why you should consider applying for financial aid. 

How to Survive Paying for College Free On-Demand Webinar

Enroll in our FREE on-demand webinar and learn how to calculate: 

  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
  • Cost of Attendance (CoA)
  • FAFSA and CSS profile
  • Public versus private costs
  • How you can afford college without jeopardizing retirement

Enroll for free now! Just click the button below!

Westface College Planning is here to help ensure your planning is where it needs to be. Contact us with any questions you might have for the years to come!

Ready for your own success story?

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If you’re a typical parent with college-bound students, you’re probably overwhelmed. You want to help your sons and daughters make the right choices and prevent overpaying for their education. You’re not alone! We’re here to help. Schedule your free consultation today – click below to get started!

Catch our free, on-demand webinar:

How to Survive Paying for College

graduation cap with Financial Aid text on assorted hundred dollar bills

Join Beatrice Schultz, CFP® for our on-demand webinar, where she provides parents with the exact steps that often greatly lower the cost of college, even if there’s little time to prepare.