Saving for College
What Do You Need To Know About FAFSA For 2023-2024?
A two-year lookback at income for financial aid eligibility may make the process daunting. Our advice hasn’t changed: Plan your college funding now!
Is Test Optional an Option for the Class of 2022?
Here’s a short explanation from that offering where we explain why the class of 2022 and beyond won’t be able to count on this option at a great number of schools.
Financial Aid Optimization For Your High School Sophomore Starts In 2020!
A two-year lookback at income for financial aid eligibility may make the process daunting. Our advice hasn’t changed: Plan your college funding now!
What Is A 529 Plan And What You Need To Know About It
With the costs of a higher education continuing to rise, one college financial planning strategy many families use to invest in is a 529 plan. Authorized by Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, 529 plans are legally known as “qualified tuition plans,” and are “sponsored by states, state agencies or educational institutions.” 529 plans…
Summer Job Benefits and Why Your Student Needs One
For college and high school students, summers provide a welcomed respite from the rigors of the academic year. With a free schedule it is the perfect opportunity to find a summer job to earn some fun money for the upcoming year, and, most importantly, save for college. With the rising costs of college tuition, room…
5 Practical Money Skills for College Students
Practical money skills are essential to creating lifelong good money habits. For students, developing proper financial habits right from the start puts them on a positive path to becoming financially independent. To help your student, take time to help them navigate financial waters before they are on their own; they’ll be more likely to avoid…