College Admissions
Should You Appeal Your College Financial Aid Award?
You have received financial aid award letters from your colleges, but the award from your first-choice college is less than you had hoped. What can you do? Should you appeal for additional assistance? Maybe your award does not reflect your current financial situation, or a recent scholastic achievement, or perhaps you have a more generous…
Is Test Optional an Option for the Class of 2022?
Here’s a short explanation from that offering where we explain why the class of 2022 and beyond won’t be able to count on this option at a great number of schools.
5 Helpful Tips On How To Choose A College
Is your teen putting together their college list? Are they wondering how to narrow down the selection and pick the best one? Figuring out how to choose a college and the multiple factors to consider can be daunting. On top of that, knowing their decision impacts the next four years of their life and beyond…
5 To-Do’s for Making High School Juniors College Ready
School is back in full swing, and that means for many high school juniors, the thought of college isn’t too far behind. So what can you do to get ready for the collegiate grind? Here are a few tips to get you on the right track to plan for college as a high school junior….
Surprise! Your financial aid award letter doesn’t make sense. Here’s how to measure your true cost of college.
Getting college acceptance letters is a huge relief. It’s no longer a guessing game. Once you’ve celebrated, expect another piece of the puzzle to arrive. Your financial aid award letter. Trouble is, they’re not as straightforward as an acceptance letter. Either you’re in or not. With award letters, colleges tend to use their own vocabulary,…